Developing Clear Messaging Is The Key To Customer Conversion
Yesterday, as I sat down with one of my coaching clients for our 2-hour intensive session, we quickly discovered that her content and conversion rates weren’t great because there was something lacking... There was no defined messaging behind her marketing and branding efforts! In order to get her more clients, it was important for us to change that and craft a strong persuasive message.
Without a specific direction behind your messaging, your words (no matter if in posts or videos) become lost and unreachable for your audience.
You see, you can have the best funnels in place, a detailed business plan and have everything set up, but if your message is not clear or consistent across your brand, you will end up confusing the audience and not making any conversions.
A great persuasive message that easily converts requires clarity and consistency, but most importantly it needs to be a reflection of your audience needs and of your business. It wouldn’t make any sense to create a message that’s captivating for your customers, while not communicating what you stand for. Similarly, if you had a message that was all about you, your clients wouldn’t be able to relate to it, meaning they would be less likely to buy.
So how do you ensure that your message is doing all the right things and helping you to achieve your business goals?
Whenever I work with my clients on their core message, I like to get started with two key questions;
🌺 What are you REALLY selling?
🌺 What is the ultimate outcome or benefit your products are bringing to your clients?
By answering these questions, you will not only tackle a practical aspect of your message, but you will also uncover the emotional layer and ultimate benefit that your services bring to your audience.When a persuasive message genuinely focuses on the ultimate benefit, you naturally create a bridge between your brand and your audience, because your customers will feel seen, heard and understood. This will in turn help you to increase your sales.
So… how do we figure out what it is you are really selling? To get there, first we need to understand what your services can do on an emotional level for your customers; where will your product/service lead your clients in their personal lives? What will change for them on a personal or emotional level once they use your services? If they are learning a new skill, how will that change or support their lifestyle and status?
We want to go beyond just telling them what the service or product is and what it does: we want to convey how it will change and improve their current situation from a deeper perspective. Think about what you want your clients to experience as a result of working with you.
An example that might make this concept more tangible is Nike’s “Just Do It”. Three simple words that strongly communicate a mindset, an emotion, a state of being. And hey, these guys are selling sportswear and shoes, yet it feels like so much more.
Make-up brands are another great general example. People who wear make-up don’t just do it because they want to look prettier or to conceal an imperfection; they want to feel confident, artistic, empowered to express themselves and feel beautiful. So, while you think they’re just selling lipstick, what these brands are selling is a boost of confidence.
Now go back to your own services and products. What is it that you’re selling underneath all those practical benefits? How do you want your clients to feel? Reflect on this and use it as the starting point of building your message.
Another important key element when trying to develop your message is to recognize the difference between
Brand messaging VS. Sales messaging
The brand message encompasses everything you do. It’s like the North Star of your brand and its services. It conveys what your brand is about through your value proposition, as well as the language, style, tone, and personality you use.
Then we have sales message, which is also very important and acts like an extension of the brand message. This is where we can get into the details of each product/service we offer and how that is a perfect fit for the customers.
Which is also very important and acts like an extension of the brand message. This is where we can get into the details of each product or service we offer and how that is a perfect fit for your customers. Your sales messaging shouldn’t be radically different; in fact, you want to highlight and talk about the service or product itself, while still using the overarching theme and ultimate benefit of your brand message, as well as tone, personality, etc.
As an example, if you run a toxins-free skincare brand, your brand message might be all about how your products are organic, healthy, made with natural ingredients. It might also talk about how these products give you a healthy glow or make your skin naturally beautiful, so you can step out without any make-up, in total confidence. Let’s suppose now you’re launching a product that’s all around dry skin; your sales message will still talk about the fact this cream is healthy, organic and it gives you a glow, you’ll now extend on all of this by adding more details that would appeal to a customer who suffers from dry skin.
Recognising and learning to leverage the difference between brand and sales message will ensure that you keep your communication and persuasive efforts consistent. It will also allow you to hold a clear positioning and perception within your prospects’ minds, which will lead them to see you as the “go-to” expert or brand within your field.
So, do you think you have a clearly defined brand message?
If not, how do you think this is affecting your business?
Learning how to convey your passion and meaning behind a business -while also connecting with what the audience needs - can be tricky. Don't be afraid to ask customers and clients about what they think. Invite them to a coffee or have a quick phone chat to receive feedback or dig deeper into the ultimate outcome they are seeking and share what they think about your brand.
Looking for feedback or help with developing messaging for your business? We can work together on that! Book a call with me today to set up a consultation call and discover how my 2-hour intensive session can help you. Let's get your message clear and captivating so your business (and clients) can really benefit from what you offer.